Season Four Ratings Pick Up

Stargate Atlantis started its fourth season with a 1.2 rating for viewer audiences in the United States; however these did dip slightly in recent episodes until ‘Be All My Sins Remembered’ aired. This episode earned a fantastic rating and all time high of 1.4. ‘Be All My Sins Remembered’ has returned Stargate Atlantis to its … Read more

Atlantis Archive Completes A Huge Overhaul

The Atlantis Archive team have been working extremely hard, to provide a high quality portal for all Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Fans out there globally.As part of our continued efforts we have launched many new sections covering a vast array of content including: An extensive photo collection of every Stargate Atlantis episode to date, Interactive … Read more

A New Year, And A New Season Begins Filming

The offices at Bridge Studios, Vancouver, will burst into life again this week as the earliest pre-production on Stargate Atlantis’ fifth year gets underway. Back from their end-of year break, and with work on season four fully complete, the producers and writers will reconvene to create another full season of adventures for the hit show. … Read more

Close Up With Brenda James

When screen romantic leads spring to mind, Doctor McKay of Stargate Atlantis isn’t necessarily top of the list. He can be difficult, arrogant and insensitive – and yet it seems, there’s someone for everyone, even in the Pegasus Galaxy. That ‘someone’ for Rodney has, for the past three years, been the city’s quiet botanist, Doctor … Read more

The Stranded Comic

In the last few years, the SCI FI Channel has really given mainstream networks a run for their money with such popular hits as Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Stargate Atlantis and the recent stand-alone mini Tin Man. In an effort to cater to its loyal fan base even more, SCI FI recently teamed up with Richard … Read more

Great Savings For Atlantis Dvd's

If your lucky enough to live in the United States, or you want to order internationally then Amazon have a fantastic offer on for you at the moment. All Stargate Atlantis Dvd’s are currently 50% off in the sale. Click Here For Great Savings & to Start Buying Today

Stargate Atlantis Season 5 – Begins Recording

We have just received word that the next season of Stargate Atlantis will begin recording on February 19th 2008. Of course these rumours are unconfirmed at the moment and are subject to change. Here is a short breakdown of the cast, which we have been able to find courtesy of BC Film Commission Pegasus Productions … Read more